Strands : Drawing, Paint & Colour, Fabric & Fibre
Still life - Vincent Van Gogh 'Irises' or a painting of your choice. Look at and discuss the painting. Bring in a a bunch of spring flowers and arrange in a vase (on folds of a table cloth to add interest)
Look at how the light and shadows fall etc.
Allow children to choose drawing materials and to experiment.
Collaborative Drawing (4/5 per group)
Use old wall paper, gift wrap, roll of paper, or stick sheets of paper together. Give each group a topic ( first signs of spring, spring animals, spring flowers, spring weather, birds/trees during spring, etc) and allow them draw based on their topic (oil pastels, makers, pencils, chalk)
Grid Painting
Choose a famous spring themed painting. Divide it into sections, give each child a section (grid reference and mark top & bottom of the page on which they will draw) to create their own version in their own style using paints, oil pastels, chalk etc. Once completed put the sections together to form the image.
Click on the link for instructions on grid painting.
Look at the work of Canadian artist Maud Lewis (Folk Art).
Create painting of a spring scene in a similar style to Maud.
Paper Collage
Matisse paper cutting, look at 'Snowflower' for inspiration. Brain storm things to do with spring. Cut paper shapes and glue on card to create spring inspired image.
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