Sunday, 22 May 2016

Ice-cream, you scream!

Sunny days and ice-cream go hand in hand, don't they?  These two art ideas will brighten up your classroom even if the weather isn't cooperating. 

Ice-cream paintings

Inspired by the poem 'Eighteen Flavours' by Shel Silverstien the class used paints and glue glitter to paint ice creams of all shapes and sizes. The kids enjoyed getting creative with colours (flavours) and toppings. 

A haon, a dó, a trí,

Aon, dó, trí, ceathair, cúig, sé,
Císte deas i gcomhair an tae,
Uachtar reoite, banana buí,
Lollipop is oráistí.

Cáca milis, fí, fá, fum,
Uachtar reoite yum, yum, yum,
Úlla deasa, hip, hip, hop,
Ach b`fhearr liom féin mo lollipop.

Relief print bunting

This bunting looks great hanging around the class. It can be completed for any theme and is lovely for the start of the year to display the kids initials, or alphabet in younger classes. 

The bunting can be cut from an A4/A3 page, then using another piece of paper the desired shape is cut out, this is stuck on the bunting temporarily using blue tac. Children then print over the shape and cover the bunting completely in paint. In the picture above a sponge was used but bubble wrap or textured printing blocks could be used. Once the paint has dried the shape can be removed and the negative space can be decorated using marks, crayons, or colouring pencils. 

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