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Sunday, 7 February 2016

Valentine's Day Art Ideas

It doesn't rain, it pours! Well that is certainly the case here. The sun is trying to break through between the heavy downpours but that means I can watch the rugby and blog snuggled up on the sofa :) 

I bought a Valentine's card for my little boy today and it got me thinking about cards to make in school. So this post will cover cards, junior art and senior art. 

Here goes!

1. Valentine Cards

Love you to pieces 

Wax Resist Valentine's Card 

Maaa! Or Maaaaam! 

I remember my Mammy telling us not to shout Maaaaaaam at her when we were young. I think I'll have to make her a card like this for Valentine's Day :) 

Threaded Hearts

2. Junior Art

I give you my heart <3

Fingerprint Heart

Textured Hearts

Mondrian Hearts

3. Senior Art


4. Looking and Responding 
Here's is a quick round up of some artists and their art that deals with the theme of love. 

Norman Rockwell 

Gustav Klimt - The Kiss

You probably have a copy of this in your school. I know I have one from Ikea. Although hugely reproduced there is something about this painting that captivates me. It is nice to paint with metallic paints for a change too.

Jim Dine - Sculpture & Paintings

As you can see hearts are the subject of Jim Dine's work. Perfect for this time of year!

Picasso - Paintings from the Rose Period

Following his blue period Picasso began to paint clowns, harlequins and carnival performers using warm colours. This change in palette creates a cheerful atmosphere, a change from the despair and loneliness depicted during the blue period. 

Have children paint a picture using tint and shades of red. A perfect project for Valentine's Day. 

Taj Mahal

A beautiful monument and a wonder of the world. The love story of why the Taj Mahal was built is worth sharing with your class. 

If you teach younger classes they might enjoy 'skinamarinky dinky dink dink'

I hope I've given you some art inspiration. Wishing you all a happy Valentine's Day :)

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