Saturday, 19 September 2015

Confirmation Art Ideas

I have been asked for some art ideas for Confirmation. As I haven't taught 6th class, unfortunately I don't have any lessons that are tried and tested. However here are a few ideas that I hope are useful. Check out my Pinterest board for some more inspiration. 

As the dove represents the Holy Spirit, this symbol features in much of the art relating to Confirmation.

1. Sewing
Cut two identical dove shapes out of felt. Fold a length of ribbon and place between the shapes. Starting where you have placed the loop sew the shapes together leaving a gap at the top to insert cotton wool. Once stuffed close with a stitch. These would look lovely displayed on branches in the church.

Children could stitch their chosen confirmation names on the shapes before they are seen together. Beads or other embellishments could be sewn on also.

2. Silhouettes 

These look really nice displayed in the church/classroom. If you have an iwb blue tack a why're page to your board. Turn on your projector and have the child sit sideways. With a crayon (so you don't damage the board) trace the side profile onto the page. 

These can be painted black and mounted on coloured paper to display them. 
 My preference is to allow the children to draw images that represent themselves. Painting the background of the side profile in black for definition. The inside can be painted with water colours or a watered down paint solution. 

3. 3D Doves

You need two copies of an outline of a dove printed onto a4/A3 paper. Decorate the doves with lines/images/patterns, cut out the shapes, staple together along the edge, leaving a gap to stuff with cotton wool. Could be hung from the ceiling if possible. 

4. Stained glass 

I have done this with infant classes on contact paper. Peel the backing paper off and lay out strips of black paper to form the outline of your window. Place a dove cut out of white paper in the middle. Tear coloured tissue paper into small pieces and fill all remaining spaces with the coloured tissue. 

I usually leave and edge of contact around the window so these can be stuck to the windows of the class. They look beautiful when the light shines through. 

5. A simple but effective idea is to have each child trace around their hand and a. Decorate and colour inside the shape  using paint/pencils/oil pastels/fabric and fibre etc. Display these with the eords "Come Holy Spirit ".

6. Fruits of the Holy Spirit 
Make some papier-mâché fruits. Roll and twist newspaper into the desired shapes, you can use string/wool/wire wrapped around it to hold the shape. Papier-mâché the 3D shapes and paint once dry. 

These images are from Pinterest.

I've started a board on Pinterest and will add to it over the next few months.

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