Sunday, 27 September 2015

Scary Pumpkins!!

Halloween costumes are out in all the shops so I figure it's ok to mention it now. 

I saw these scary pumpkins a few years ago and thought they were really eyecatching. 

I gave my kids some red and yellow paint and they mixed them on their page to make the Orange they wanted. They painted a pumpkin shape and we let them dry. 

The next part of the lesson takes a bit longer. They kids cut out their pumpkin and glued it onto a black page (A3). They then cut out a mouth, teeth, eyes, and grass from coloured paper. 

I try not to give a huge amount of instruction as I prefer the kids to be creative. However before they paint their pumpkin I ask them to make sure their pumpkin is big and fills the page! Nothing worse then having a tiny pumpkin!!! 

If you try this out let me know how your class get on. :)

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

World Animal Day - Cats & Dogs

Another idea for World Animal Day October 4th.

This is a variation of my very first post on here! 

Simply paint some newspaper in a variety of colours.

Have a chat about shapes, maybe use some 2D shapes to make some animals. 

Cut out the shapes and arrange on the page. 

Glue in place. 

Once dry, details can be added with markers. 


World Animal Week

I'm not a fan of pigeons, but with World Animal Week approaching I've decided to set aside my feelings and paint a pigeon (a picture of one as I'd never touch one).

Oh isn't he cute!

This is so easy.
1. Paint a circle of any size in whatever colour you choose. This will be the head. 
2. Paint a strip (this is the neck) from the circle down toward the bottom of the page. It can be as thin or fat as you like! Remember to leave room for the legs and body.
3. Paint a line from the bottom of the neck out to the side of the page (in one direction only).
4. Paint a semicircle from the line you have drawn back to meet the bottom of the neck. Fill in with paint ( this is the body)
5. Nearly done now! With a darker paint add legs and a wing. You can decide how your pigeon is standing or maybe he's flying! 
6. Cute and glue a white circle onto the head, draw on a black dot for a pupil. 
7. Add a beak and Tah Dah!!! 

Enjoy 😊

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Confirmation Art Ideas

I have been asked for some art ideas for Confirmation. As I haven't taught 6th class, unfortunately I don't have any lessons that are tried and tested. However here are a few ideas that I hope are useful. Check out my Pinterest board for some more inspiration. 

As the dove represents the Holy Spirit, this symbol features in much of the art relating to Confirmation.

1. Sewing
Cut two identical dove shapes out of felt. Fold a length of ribbon and place between the shapes. Starting where you have placed the loop sew the shapes together leaving a gap at the top to insert cotton wool. Once stuffed close with a stitch. These would look lovely displayed on branches in the church.

Children could stitch their chosen confirmation names on the shapes before they are seen together. Beads or other embellishments could be sewn on also.

2. Silhouettes 

These look really nice displayed in the church/classroom. If you have an iwb blue tack a why're page to your board. Turn on your projector and have the child sit sideways. With a crayon (so you don't damage the board) trace the side profile onto the page. 

These can be painted black and mounted on coloured paper to display them. 
 My preference is to allow the children to draw images that represent themselves. Painting the background of the side profile in black for definition. The inside can be painted with water colours or a watered down paint solution. 

3. 3D Doves

You need two copies of an outline of a dove printed onto a4/A3 paper. Decorate the doves with lines/images/patterns, cut out the shapes, staple together along the edge, leaving a gap to stuff with cotton wool. Could be hung from the ceiling if possible. 

4. Stained glass 

I have done this with infant classes on contact paper. Peel the backing paper off and lay out strips of black paper to form the outline of your window. Place a dove cut out of white paper in the middle. Tear coloured tissue paper into small pieces and fill all remaining spaces with the coloured tissue. 

I usually leave and edge of contact around the window so these can be stuck to the windows of the class. They look beautiful when the light shines through. 

5. A simple but effective idea is to have each child trace around their hand and a. Decorate and colour inside the shape  using paint/pencils/oil pastels/fabric and fibre etc. Display these with the eords "Come Holy Spirit ".

6. Fruits of the Holy Spirit 
Make some papier-mâché fruits. Roll and twist newspaper into the desired shapes, you can use string/wool/wire wrapped around it to hold the shape. Papier-mâché the 3D shapes and paint once dry. 

These images are from Pinterest.

I've started a board on Pinterest and will add to it over the next few months.

Friday, 11 September 2015

The Great Roald Dahl

My apologies I'm later with this post than I had planned, as I had a very busy week!

Anyway here's some art ideas based on the great works of Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl Day is celebrated on September 13th and I've rounded up some fabulous ideas for you. 

There is nothing more enjoyable than delving into a good book and even as an adult, Roald Dahl never fails to amuse. The best way to celebrate the day is of course to share your favourite Dahl story with your class. 

1. The Twits

I love the descriptions of Mr Twit and it is the perfect passage to inspire some portraits of the ugly man! 
Using chalk, pastels, pencils or paint children can have great fun creating hairy portraits.

Beard Collage
Another ideas is to read the description of Mr Twits beard and to create a collage of all the lovely things nestled in his beard!!! 

2. The BFG

“We is in Dream Country,' the BFG said. 'This is where all dreams is beginning.” 
― Roald DahlThe BFG

Dream Jars
The BFG has jars full of dreams. How about painting or drawing a dream in a jar of your own and displaying them in rows. 

You could also recycle plastic tubs/jars, decorate them using pvc glue, coloured tissue and gems. A description of the dream can be written and stored inside. 

3. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

“He turned and reached behind him for the chocolate bar, then he turned back again and handed it to Charlie. Charlie grabbed it and quickly tore off the wrapper and took an enormous bite. Then he took another…and another…and oh, the joy of being able to cram large pieces of something sweet and solid into one's mouth! The sheer blissful joy of being able to fill one's mouth with rich solid food!
'You look like you wanted that one, sonny,' the shopkeeper said pleasantly. 

Charlie nodded, his mouth bulging with chocolate.” 
― Roald DahlCharlie and the Chocolate Factory

Sweet Creations
Have your class design a wrapper for a new Wonka bar.
Use play doh/clay and beads to create some of Wonka's fabulous delicacies. 

4. James and the giant peach

The seagulls that fly the giant peach would make a lovely class project. These can be made with kitchen towel roll and painted. Once dry these would look great hanging together. 

Each child could make a peach by papier-mâchéing a ballon and painting it or a how about using a beach ball and doing it as a collaborative project. (Tip - cover the ball in Vaseline before you papier-mâché, this will make it easier to remove when you deflat the ball.)

5. The Enormous Crocodile 

"I’m going to fill my hungry empty tummy with something yummy yummy yummy yummy..."

― Roald Dahl, The Enormous Crocodile  

Crocodile Weaving

There are some lovely ideas for crocodile weaving examples on Pinterest ( )

Or how about making your own Roly Poly bird. This bird, famous for its colourful tail feathers, first appeared in The Twits.

Roly Poly Birds

Each child can paint the body, legs, wings, and head. Then use colourful feathers or scraps of material to create the bird's colourful tail. 

Class Collage

Or each child can create a tail feather. Each child can draw a large feather on card and cut it out. Then using glue and fabric/ribbon/gift wrap/tissue they can decorate their feather. These can be displayed on a Roly Poly bird cut out of blue paper. 

Here's another idea for making Roly Poly birds.

6. Esio Trot

Still Life
Bring in some flowers for your class to practice drawing or painting. 

Blob Flowers
Try painting some blob flowers in a riot of colours! Mix paint and water so it is of a runny consistency. Drop blobs of paint on to the page and hold the page so the blobs run down the page. Once dry use oil pastels or chalk to add grass, leaves,and stems.

Sponge print a tortoise. 
Paint the head and shell of the tortoise in shades of green. Sponge print the design on the shell with brown/green paint. 

7. Fantastic Mr. Fox

“I understand what you're saying, and your comments are valuable, but I'm gonna ignore your advice.” 
― Roald DahlFantastic Mr. Fox

Learn how to draw a fox. 
There are lots of step by step tutorials on YouTube and Pinterest. Here's some my senior infants drew. 

Check out my Pinterest board for more inspiration 😊 

Sunday, 6 September 2015

International Dot Day

International Dot Day September 2015

'The Dot' is a heart warming story about trying something even when you think you can't do it. It is about teachers seeing potential and encouraging students to give it a go. 

So on September 15th try some dot art with your class and celebrate this great book. If you don't have a copy of the book then watch this video.

The educators handbook has lots of great ideas and printables to help you plan some activities for the day. Available here

The coffee filter dots are a lovely ideas for younger classes. Decorate coffee filters with markers and spray with water to get a lovely tie dye look. When dry mount on coloured paper to display. 

Alternatively cut circles from kitchen towel and fold as often as you can. Mix food colouring and a little water in containers (one each of yellow, red, and blue). Dip the edges of the folded circle into the coloured water. Unfold carefully and allow to dry. 

Here are some other ideas for International Dot Day:

1. Scratch Art 
Paint over thick layer of wax crayons. Once dry scratch your design. 

2. More scratch art
This is so easy. Fold a page in half, on the inside draw a circle and colour in with a heavy layer of wax crayon. Fold it closed and draw your design on the outside, over the circle. Open up to reveal two dots!! 

3. Negative printing
Cut a circle or a number of circles and blue tac them to your page. Sponge print paint your page/print using found objects/stamps. Carefully remove the circles to reveal your dots. 

4. Printing with circles
Recycle bottle caps, cardboard tubes, thread spools, or whatever you can find to use as stamps. Have fun experimenting 😊

5. Collaborative Circle Painting 
One of my favourite art activities. Join pages together to form a long strip, so children can work in rows on either side. Each child needs a paint brush and one container of paint (just one colour). Each child paints a circle/dot, they can then move places or swap colours with another child. Making sure to use their manners and ask nicely. They can layer designs, circles and dots. 

6. Painting around a hole
Cut a circle from a sheet of paper and see what you can create. 

7. Pointillism 
Look at the works of Seurat and create a picture using cotton sticks.

8. Aboriginal Art
Look at examples of Aboriginal art and have a go creating your own. 

Take a look at my Pinterest board for more inspiration.

Dingle Dangle Scarecrows


When I think of scarecrows I think of Worzel Gummidge! I grew up in the 80's!! Thankfully these scarecrows are a bit tidier than Worzel. Created by second class, the background is a simple crayon resist. We drew fields with crayon and filled them with different lines to represent different crops. A wash (water and a little paint) over the fields in green and the sky in blue finished it off.

The scarecrows were made by tearing or cutting paper and assembling to make the scarecrows head, hair, and hat! I love how each scarecrow has his/her own personality :)

If you want to sing along while you work here are the song lyrics!

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

When all the cows were sleeping and the sun had gone to bed

Up jumped the scarecrow and this is what he said

"I'm a dingle dangle scarecrow with a flippy floppy hat,

I can shake my hands like this and shake my feet like that.

When all the hens were rousting and the moon behind a cloud,

Up jumped the scarecrow and shouted very loud

"I'm a dingle dangle scarecrow with a flippy floppy hat,

I can shake my hands like this and shake my feet like that.

Or here is a sing along video : dingle dangle scarecrow lyrics

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Art Dates

Here are some art related dates for your diary.

Keep an eye here as I hope to post some art lesson ideas for you in advance (I'll try anyway!)